Russian Problem in MSSQL

sql server Turkey
  • 14 years ago

    Does anyone know wheter ADO converts Russian or smilar characters into any other form?

    I have an ASP page. It starts like:

    <% Response.contentType = "text/html" %>
    <% Response.Charset="iso-8859-5" %>

    After that I make connection to SQL2000 server. Data can be written to server over ASP pages or can be read from server properly in English. Problem is at Russian chars. Namely I can not send Rus. chars to SQL Server neither I can properly read from ASP page. I have opened an Profiler Trace and seen that 'Получить возможность использования ' has ben turned to 'ÄØ×ØçÕáÚŞÕ ÁâàŞØâÕÛìáâÒŞ'.


    I connect simply through ADO as below:

    Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Conn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=SQLOLEDB; SERVER=XP;UID=...;PWD=...;DATABASE=dbname"
    Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rs.Open SqlStr, Conn

    Also, I can put Russian chars to table if  I open it from manager but I can not insert properly by Query Analyzer. I can correctly read what I have entered directly in to tables by Query Analyzer. Also, when looking at traces, I see converted Russian characters, not as I wrote. Database default lang is Eng or Turkish. Russian Data Colon is ntext format.



    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Tranlations] (
     [No] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
     [Tr] [ntext] COLLATE Turkish_CI_AI NULL ,
     [Eng] [varchar] (8000) COLLATE Turkish_CI_AS NULL ,
     [Ger] [ntext] COLLATE German_PhoneBook_CI_AS NULL ,
     [Ru] [ntext] COLLATE Cyrillic_General_CI_AS NULL ,
     [Hol] [ntext] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,
     [Fr] [ntext] COLLATE Latin1_General_CI_AS NULL ,
     [Sw] [ntext] COLLATE Finnish_Swedish_CI_AS NULL

    Any idea? I will be very glad  for any heplp. Thnx a lot...

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