3 table query, over my head

  • 13 years ago
    I have done a lot of moderate to simple queries, but this one is more complex & I can't seem to wrap my head around it...

    I have the following 3 tables:




    the region field in the states table contains the primary key (_ID) of the regions table. the state field in the users table contains the abbreviation for the state, it's the same as the abbrev field in the states table.

    the problem is if I have a given region _ID, how can I get the list of users (and all fields) in that region?
    this query works, but displays the correct 3 resorts 8 times, the same number as the number of regions.

    SELECT *
    FROM resort_info, states, regions
    WHERE states.region = 5
    AND states.abbrev = resort_info.state_province;

    any help would be greatly appreciated.

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