Using a cascading Cbo to populate text box?

  • 13 years ago

    I'm using Ms Access 2003 (sp1) on an XPPro machine.

    I'm having difficulty working out how to use a combo box to populate a text box.

    I have my tables set up as:


    With tbl_cm looking at a foriegn key on tbl_Haz for each record.

    However I don't know how to proceed to achieve the following:

    Making a selection from CboHaz (select "fire") should populate TxtExCM with a string ("A fire extinguisher is available").

    Likewise if the selection from CboHaz is "Pedestrian routes" then TxtExCM should be populated with "Change the light bulb".

    I'm really new to VBA coding and the coding I've been using for my pda databases doesn't use the syntax, so a REALLY easy, straight forward guide would be most appreciated.

    Any sound help is really appreciated.

  • 13 years ago

    Sounds like you have a similair issue as I ~ my posting is "Mind failed ~ need assistance on a beginners issue ~ Combo list issue ".

    If I hear of anything, or figure it out, I'll past it on to you.



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