sql server Canada
  • 13 years ago

    it seems to me even when a table field is set at 5000 characters,
    sql bulk insert can't handle reading anymore than 550 blank space characters?
    how can i by pass this if the text file looks like this, to be inserted into 1 field.

    1234    fa3434    4930    1-jk21-234                                             a;dsf8

    pretend that the long gap of space is more than 550 characters in length
    and that the total number of characters is 941

    how can one insert 941 characters into a single field withou erroring out.


    better yet here is what in the text file, copy and paste in one and try to bulk insert it.
    the sql server is MS SQL 2000


    IAF37527020061228TPE/640026KKLUANR490218P   PAR047209        TW F8520 FORMOSA PLASTICS CORPORATION       75708007         HUMBER BRIDGE    01E       2006120420061227                 ANVERS           KAOHSIUNG                         000016735000000000870000001682200572WM1 00000366000S TWD0000000000000000038000602PS1 00000001000S TWD0000006500000000065000600PS1 00000001000S TWD0000007000000000070000950WM1 00000366000Z TWD0000000000000000295100950PS1 00000001000Z TWD0000002800000001205400                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     TPEIXKTPEIXKTPELXH


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