SQL Server 2005 sp_send_dbmail

  • 13 years ago

    I'm experiencing problems with the @query parameter in the sp_send_dbmail SP (SQL Server 2005).

    Using the following code:
    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmaill
    @recipients='[email protected]',
    @body='Test Message',
    @query='Select * From Table_1'

    If i run the above code as a SQL Query it works fine, but when I add it into a trigger it always crashes causing the process to be suspended, showing the last statement as "Select * From table_1'. In order to regain control of program the process has to be killed.

    Code for Trigger:
    Create triger dbo.update_table_1
    On dbo.table_1
    After Update
    If Update(col_3)
    Set NOCount ON;
    exec msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmaill
    @recipients='[email protected]',
    @body='Test Message',
    @query='Select * From Table_1'

    There is no record in any of msdb.dbo.sysmail_....... views to show that mail has failed.

    Does anyone know why this is happening? (Login Account has full administrative permissions)

    Thanks in advance

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