SQL Export/Import - Please Help!

  • 13 years ago

    Hi all,

    and thankyou in advance for any assistance you can give me.  My problem at the moment is as follows:

    We have a piece of software that uses SQL 2000 as its database.  Now a client of ours has made an unauthorised migration to SQL 2005, which has totally buggered their database and I've - against my will - been left with trying to repair the problem.

    So, I have two databases; one in SQL 2005 (fromt he client) and one in SQL 2000 (a clean one I'm building for them). Now the software in question has an import data to SQL facility for most of the data, which I have used to build a new SQL 2000 database.  However, the data that cannot be imported is substantial enough that redoing it manually is an utter nightmare (we're talking thousands of highly compelx records)...

    ...soooo, my question is; is there an easy way for me to export the tables of data that I couldn't import out of the 2005 database and import them into the 2000 database, and still maintain the integrity of the data?

    Please be as concise as possible in any answer, since I'm not an SQL whizz; I'm just the poor sod who has been lumped with this project.

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