Filter a textfile, results in a listview (VB6)

  • 13 years ago


    I have a project that is driving me crazy! There is something wrong but I can’t find it!!!
    Are there anyone who can help me and have a small look what it can be that is not done the right way?

    I have a ListBox where I add a combination (for example SPN190). Then I click on a searchbutton ‘cmdFind’, I open a text file and search it for the specified SPN-combination. Then I want to have the whole row from the text file printed in a ListView ‘lvResults’.
    The problem is that nothing comes up in the ‘lvResults’ and I do not know where the problem is, so please….HELP!

    [CODE]Private Sub cmdFind_Click()
        On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
        If lstCombo.ListCount = 0 Then
            MsgBox "Please enter some combinations to search for", vbExclamation
            Exit Sub
        End If

        With objCD
            .CancelError = True
            .DialogTitle = "Open File"
            .Filter = "Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt"

            If Len(.Filename) > 0 Then
                FindCombo .Filename
            End If

        End With
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    'ListBox to strCombos() array.
    Private Sub InitCombos()

        Dim intLoop As Long
        ReDim strCombos(0 To lstCombo.ListCount - 1) As String
        For intLoop = 0 To lstCombo.ListCount - 1
            strCombos(intLoop) = lstCombo.List(intLoop)
        Next intLoop

    End Sub
    'Checks if a combination exists in the array.
    Private Function ComboInList(Combination As String) As Boolean
        Dim lonLoop As Long, lonUB As Long
        Dim strToComp As String

        strToComp = LCase$(Left$(Combination, 6))
        lonUB = SafeUBString(strCombos())
        For lonLoop = 0 To lonUB
            If LCase$(strCombos(lonLoop)) = strToComp Then
                ComboInList = True
                Exit For
            End If
        Next lonLoop

    End Function
    'The actual sub that will search the file for the combinations in strCombos().
    Private Sub FindCombo(FilePath As String)

        Dim intFF As Long
        Dim strLine As String
        Dim lonSpacePos As Long
        Dim strLineFull As String
        Dim strArray() As String
        Dim PGNPos As Long
        Dim Resolution As Long
        Dim Offset As Long
        Dim PGNNumber As String
        Dim lonLineCounter As Long
        Dim intI As Long
        Dim SPNNumber As String
        Dim DataLength As Long
        Dim Unit As String
        Dim Description As String
        Dim mItem As Variant 'belongs to lvResults
        With lvResults
            'Get available file handle.
            intFF = FreeFile
            'Open file.
            Open FilePath For Input As #intFF
                'Clear any previous items.
                'Keep looping until we get to End Of File (EOF).
                Do While Not EOF(intFF)
                    'Get the current line from file and put it into strLine.
                    Line Input #intFF, strLine
                    strLineFull = strLine

                    If Len(strLine) > 0 Then 'Make sure it isn't an empty line.
                        'Get text from start to before the first space
                        'This will give us the combination.
                        lonSpacePos = InStr(1, strLine, " ")
                        If lonSpacePos > 0 Then
                            strLine = Mid$(strLine, 1, lonSpacePos - 1)
                            'We now have the combination in strLine.
                            'Check if it is in the list.
                            If ComboInList(strLine) Then   'ComboInList is a function
                                 strArray = Split(strLineFull, " ")
                                 If UBound(strArray) > 7 Then
                                     For intI = 8 To UBound(strArray)
                                         strArray(7) = strArray(7) & " " & strArray(intI)
                                            Next intI
                                 End If
                            SPNNumber = Right(strArray(0), 4)
                            PGNNumber = Right(strArray(1), 4)
                            PGNPos = CInt(strArray(2))
                            DataLength = CInt(strArray(3))
                            Resolution = CInt(strArray(4))
                            Offset = CInt(strArray(5))
                            Unit = CInt(strArray(6))
                            Description = CInt(strArray(7))
                            'Get the result in the ListView lvResults
                            Set mItem = .ListItems.Add()
                                'mItem.Text = Right$(strArray(0), 4)
                                mItem.Text = strArray(0)
                                'mItem.SubItems(1) = Right$(strArray(1), 4)
                                mItem.SubItems(1) = strArray(1)
                                mItem.SubItems(2) = strArray(2)
                                mItem.SubItems(3) = strArray(3)
                                mItem.SubItems(4) = strArray(4)
                                mItem.SubItems(5) = strArray(5)
                                mItem.SubItems(6) = strArray(6)
                                mItem.SubItems(7) = strArray(7)
                            End If
                        End If
                     End If
            Close #intFF
        End With
    End Sub


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