OOP, Classes and method calls

javascript Sweden
  • 13 years ago
    I have an object, and I try to use a method to call another method, which calls a third method. All three methods belong to the same object. When I call method2() from method1(), it works, but then method2() can't call method3();

    This is some piece of code to describe it:
    function object(string){
        this.string = string;

        this.method1 = method1;
        this.method2 = method2;
        this.method3 = method3;

    function method1(){

    function method2(){

    function method3(){

    myObject = new object("text");

    method2() is called successfully, but when method3() is going to be called I get the error: "this.method3() is not a function" in firefox.

    I'm pretty new with javascript.
    Do you know any good workaround?

  • 13 years ago

    If you already knows this Pls forgive me.

    I have tried you code there it is working fine.

    do you know w3schools.

    Please go to the below link and paste your code in the left hand side and click the "Edit the text and click me" button





    <script type="text/javascript">

    function object(string){
        this.string = string;

        this.method1 = method1;
        this.method2 = method2;
        this.method3 = method3;

    function method1(){
        alert ("method1");


    function method2(){
        alert ("method2");


    function method3(){
        alert ("method3");

    myObject = new object("text");


    If this not helps you I am very sorry . your code is working fine in my system




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