passing parameter to a query from report

access Nepal
  • 13 years ago

    hi all,

    I have created a report which is bound to a parameterized query(at run time using VBA). it displays teh report but asks for the paramter.

    What i want is I want to input parameter in a textbox and upon clicking on the command button , it will show the report with the parameter in the textbox.

    thank you

  • 13 years ago


    First of all open the query in design view and in the criteria of the field you want add a reference to the form text box ex: Forms![Results]![txtResult] (where Results is the form name and txtResult is the text box name). Now just create a button and on click event write the below function:

    DoCmd.OpenReport "ResultsReport", acViewPreview (where ResultsReport is the report name), and that is it.

    I fyou mean that query is not physically available add the text box reference to the sql query ex:

    SELECT Shortcuts.Term
    FROM Shortcuts
    WHERE (((Shortcuts.Term)=[Forms]![Results]![txtResult]));

    Hope this what you were looking for.

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