Crystal Report Query

  • 13 years ago
    Hello everyone, 1st time poster!

    My apologies if this post is in the wrong section (i couldn't see where else to put it).

    I've not been using Crystal reports long and subsequently don't know much and need help.

    We use Efacs v7.2 from Exel Systems as our ERP which is SQL server based and uses Crystal Reports 7 as the report generator/writer.

    We generate a works order/schedule that is sent out onto the shop floor to specify what products need to be manufactured.

    This basically shows a Part Number (in both text and Barcode) a Part Description and the Quantity required to be manufactured (amongst other bits of product info).

    There can be multiple products on each schedule, all different.

    I am now in the process of creating a report that will generate a sticky label that can be placed on the finished products box.

    So far i have successfully created a report that picks up both Part Numbers (text & BC) and the Part Desc but it only prints one label per product.

    EG Schedule may say

    (part number: ) BM1-CLIN (Qty: ) 16
    (part number: ) CLK-SUS (Qty: ) 8
    (part number: ) MLK-SUS (Qty: ) 8

    At the moment i only get 3 labels. I need to find a way of multiplying the Quantity of labels required by the Quantity of the Product being manufactured - so in the above example i'd get 32 labels printed.

    Is this possible? Can anyone help? Let me know if more info is required.


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