DB Design - How to Optimize

sql server India
  • 13 years ago

     We have 4 phases(scenarios), the no of attributes in each scenario is unknown(dynamic)
    ex: Scenario1 & case1 = 10,Scenario1 & case2 = 50,Scenario2 & case1 = 70,Scenario1 & case6 = 100

       We want to give preference in this sequence...
           1. Performace
           2. More customization
           3. HDD Space
       1) For more customization, we need to maintain all the phases' details in same table like id,name,description,textfield. In case of more fields, copy all the values to text fields by seperating with delemeters(,) like: 10,'Name1','Description1','110,abc,xyz,nmo,pqz'. In this approach we can save n number of values. Out of 10 lakh records, 600-900 records will be filtered by id and name in average. Will it cause any performance problem while make the text and extract the individual values? What about searching?

        2) For performace, we will have a big table with fixed no of tables say 300(no exendability beyond this & most of the columns will be NULL if values are less).

        3) Create seperate tables dynamically for each schenario and case, save the values in curresponding tables.(can be a chance of getting 300-700 tables)

        Please suggest me best among all these. Thanks in advance...


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