Multiple Submit Actions (Using Images) within the

javascript United States
  • 19 years ago

    I'm trying to pass an username and password saved in hidden fields to the next asp page.  The problem is that in my form, I have three different images used for my submit "buttons" and I'm trying to direct the user to a different page depending on which image is chosen.  The following code seems to work in Internet Explorer but nothing happens in Netscape 4.x
    Could you provide some insight as to why the different "actions" will not work in Netscape?

    PS -- I know that setting up three different forms with the different actions will work, but it seems a little excessive to have to use three different forms repeating the hidden fields within each.

    Thanks for your help,

    Problem Code:

    <FORM NAME="myForm" METHOD="POST">

    <INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="Username" VALUE="<%=myUserName%>">
    <INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="Password" VALUE="<%=myPassword%>">

    <INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="Images/Buttons/Go.gif" onclick="javascript:document.myForm.action=’ASP1.asp’; document.myForm.submit(); return true;">ASP1<BR>

    <INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="Images/Buttons/Go.gif" onclick="javascript:document.myForm.action=’ASP2.asp’; document.myForm.submit(); return true;">ASP2<BR>

    <INPUT TYPE="IMAGE" SRC="Images/Buttons/Go.gif" onclick="javascript:document.myForm.action=’ASP3.asp’; document.myForm.submit(); return true;">ASP3<BR>


  • 19 years ago

    u seemto have posted this question in both sections...

    get the code onthis site itself...

    right on the first page...
    In the - Latest Code Section -  check the follwoing article
    Multiple Submit Buttons (JavaScript)

    making images as such to be submit buttons is not at all tough.. its the same as normal buttons.. just remember to put button type=image


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