maskedTextBox works for hexadecimal input

csharp Taiwan
  • 13 years ago

    Dear All,

    Can we filter out the input char other than hexadecimal digits (0-9,A-F) by just setting the Mask string?  If it's possible, please tell me how to do it.  Many thanks in advance.


  • 13 years ago
    Can we filter out the input char other than hexadecimal digits (0-9,A-F) by just setting the Mask string?


    You would either need to subclass the text box, or look at an alternative.  Perhaps you can separate the input.  Have a masked input for the part that needs it, and a regular text box for the Hex part.  Otherwise you could end up with quite a confusing interface.

  • 13 years ago

    You could use regular expressions for the textbox.



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