Getting a list of selected rows in a DataGridView control in a MDI application.

csharp Madrid, Spain
  • 13 years ago

     Hey All,

    I have a MDI application which has many child forms at run time. When I select a menu option "Export Data", I want to do the following:

    1) Getting a list of all the child forms open of Type "frmXYZ".

    2) The form "frmXYZ" has a DataGridView control on it. I should be able to get a list of all the rows selected and then export it.

    I need your help to construct a DataSet or a DataTable of the list of all the rows selected in the DataGridView on all the child forms of type "frmXYZ" open.

    Thanks for your help in advance,

    - Abhisheik. 





  • 13 years ago

    Hey Experts,

    Can somebody please help me out with this problem?? Are you guys able to understand my problem or do you want me to elaborate on it?? Do let me know. A solution to this problem will go a long way to help me.



  • 13 years ago

    Few more questions,

    Did all form contain data grid?

    Do you want all once at a time to collect the selected row in grids in every form?

    and it will be better if you post what you had tried.

  • 13 years ago

    Thanks for taking interest in helping me, but I have been able to get a solution for the same.




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