How can i make a Date filter

db , sql United States
  • 13 years ago

    I am working with Microsoft CRM 3.0 and I have to make a report with the accounts name, telephone, campaign response, date and with an questionary(questionnaire) and I have to make filters with camapign response code and date. The camapign response filter I've made it but I don't know how to make the date filter.

    The tables I've used are from CRM DATABASE : AccountBase, Activity Party, Camapign Response from Tables and from Views in Campaign respose table CreatedON.

     I would like to make this filter like a picklist with today, yesterday, last week and this monthly.(if it can be make)

    If not at least to modify it every day and put the date in the code every morning or every evening.

    Thank You,

    Hope to help me!


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