Is there any function in sql server or c# equivelent to the function DLookup which is used in Access and VB

csharp , db Munich, Germany
  • 13 years ago


    Im trying to use a function equivelent to DLookup for my c# code.  This is what I have that has been created in Access and VB. If possible, I want to write the same code in C#. Also, the Me function, if theres anything equivalent to that.


    Dim strLabel As String

    strLabel = ""


    strLabel = DLookup("documentPath", "tbl_databaseInformation")

    strLabel = strLabel & DLookup("documentfolder", "tbl_doctorsorders", "documentid = 1")

    strLabel = strLabel & "\" & DLookup("documentname", "tbl_doctorsorders", "documentid = 1")

    Me.Label0.Caption = strLabel

  • 12 years ago

    Visual Basic's Me is this in c#.

     DLookup is not available in either c# or SQL server, but essentially it is just a select query, so you could create a stored procedure to emulate it, or create your own c# function that emulates it.


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