Storing and retrieving dates from MS Access using C#

csharp , db Egypt
  • 12 years ago


    I am facing difficulty in storing date in MS Access using C# code. I have tried to save the DateTime object into the database. The column in the database was also of DateTime datatype. but I could not save the date. It gave me syntax error.

    Then I tried to save the date as a String. But this time the date got saved in the database as some decimal. Plz help me in this regard. How to save the date in MS Access.

    Thanking you,


  • 12 years ago


    Here's my code:

    I am using C#  in Visual Studio 2005.

                DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;
                String input = currentDate.ToShortDateString();
                string connectionString = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\\student.mdb";
                OleDbConnection myConnection = new OleDbConnection(connectionString);
                string query = "insert into student VALUES ("+ input +")";

                OleDbCommand myCommand = new OleDbCommand();
                myCommand.CommandText = query;
                myCommand.Connection = myConnection;




  • 12 years ago

     Thank you very much Bart. Its working fine now. I have one more problem. Is it possible to display multi-line list items in a list box in c# ? I need it in my application. Could you please help me out?



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