How to convert from C# To VB.NET , jav , csharp Nigeria
  • 12 years ago
    I understand C# a little bit but i undastand JAVA and VB.NET well. Now the problem is that i av come across a couple of C# articles and i av bin able to convert them to and java. But there is keyword in C# that i don't know its function or how to convert it> For example: public void method(){ using(Doger rr =new Doger){ //implementation } }
  • 12 years ago
    the using keyword is used for a variety of functions in c# but in the case as above, it signifies that the class **Doger** has implemented the interface IDisposable and its dispose method is called internally while also internally performing exception handling. it would otherwise translate to: try { Doger rr = new Doger(); //implementation } catch { throw new Exception(); } finally { rr.Dispose(); }
  • 11 years ago

    The using keyword is useful especially when you need to use the object of a class on the fly such that the handle is disposed immediatelly after the code block without ever havin to keep a refrembe to the object. However getting a good book would really help.

  • 11 years ago

    The using keyword is useful especially when you need to use the object of a class on the fly such that the handle is disposed immediatelly after the code block without ever havin to keep a refrembe to the object. However getting a good book would really help.

  • 11 years ago

    use - it is free and works great.

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