Read HTML tags in XML Reader

xml , html , csharp Singapore, Singapore
  • 12 years ago
    Hi all, I have an XML as following at the lower part. I'm trying to read it with the this code: DataSet cars = new DataSet(); cars.ReadXml("http://localhost/cars/newcars.xml"); All the nodes are getting properly populated into the Dataset created EXCEPT the "description" node. This node is just not populated (the value is 0 for that node). I can't find a way to make ReadXML (or similar method) to get the content of the description node and skip the HTML tags. I would like just treat that portion as pure text, ignoring the html content. My question would be: How can I read an XML file which some of the nodes have HTML tags inserted? How could I avoid that the program treats the HTML tags as XML nodes> thanks, Juan red ford


    Reasons to buy

    Just because

  • 12 years ago
    Hi all, I have an XML as following. I'm trying to read it with the following code: DataSet cars = new DataSet(); cars.ReadXml("http://localhost/cars/newcars.xml"); All the nodes are getting properly populated into the Dataset created EXCEPT the "description" node. I can't find a way to make ReadXML (or similar method) to get the content of the description node and skip the HTML tags. I would like just treat that portion as pure text, ignoring the html content. My question would be: How can I read an XML file which some of the nodes have HTML tags inserted? How could I avoid that the program treats the HTML tags as XML nodes> thanks, Juan red ford


    Reasons to buy

    Just because

  • 12 years ago
    I don't think you can do that, because xHTML is also a mark up derived from XML. The only possibility that I can think of is to make changes to your XML file. red ford <p xmlns=""><span class="textnorm" title="">Super</br>fast</br></span></p><h2 xmlns=""><span class="textnorm" title="">Reasons to buy</span></h2><p xmlns="">Just because</p> This would encode the HTML as text and when you read it, it would give you the actual HTML. I've changed the '<' to '<' and '>' to '>' Hope you understand this.
  • 12 years ago
    I don't think you can do that, because xHTML is also a mark up derived from XML. The only possibility that I can think of is to make changes to your XML file. red ford <p xmlns=""><span class="textnorm" title="">Super</br>fast</br></span></p><h2 xmlns=""><span class="textnorm" title="">Reasons to buy</span></h2><p xmlns="">Just because</p> This would encode the HTML as text and when you read it, it would give you the actual HTML. I've changed the '<' to '<' and ' <' to ' >' Hope you understand this.
  • 12 years ago
    I am sorry, I can not write what I want. This editor is changing the text I writing.
  • 12 years ago
    Hi Thulasse, thanks a lot, I got what you mean: <p xmlns=""><span class="textnorm" title="">Super</br>fast</br></span></p><h2 xmlns=""><span class="textnorm" title="">Reasons to buy</span></h2><p xmlns="">Just because</p> thanks, Juan
  • 12 years ago
    Hi, it seems I need to put that text inside a CDATA section ( & signs are also not allowed in XML) thanks for your replies, Juan

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