How to search within an Excel database using office automation & vb.NET 2003

2003 , database , excel , search , India
  • 12 years ago
    Hi I am a vb.NET hobbyist from India. I am trying to design a data entry application for my company to deal with customer information. I am able to read and write data from and to a excel database using my vb.NET application. Every row in the database file contains details about a customer. I would like to know how I can search the database for information about a particular customer and display the same in various fields in my application.
  • 12 years ago
    Hi there ! i have a bit ideas for u na. your database is stored on excel sheet , so not esy to search like store on other database so the way you should do is read all from excel to dataset and then transfer to datarow , datatable bcox in datatable you can select , search ,sort like database after that you get result and then transfer it to a new dataset. try it and then post it again when you still got problems thanks regard from Nimol Men

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