VBA Help - Changing Cell Text Color When out of List Scope

vba , excel , vb , drop down menu Saint Petersburg, United States
  • 12 years ago
    Hey guys, looking for some help on this: I have a worksheet witih 3 particular columns (L,M,N) that have drop down menus. The menu is populated with items that are referenced on a different workbook (different file). Because there are multipe worksheets accessing the referenced list, this is a master. When I change the master, the lists update, but the cell text does not. Example: If I chose apple from the list, but later in the master I decide I want apple to be banana, while the drop dowm box will now have banana instead of apple, my cell still says apple. I don't necessarily want apple to change to banana, but I want a visual cue that this is incorrect. I wanted the cell text to change to red if it is not equal to any of the list items on the master file. I want this to be passive, i.e., I want it to change automatically, so I don't have to press a button or some other activation. I've been messing with VBA, but to no avail. Thanks for all of your help!

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