Agile software development has gained many adherents in most developed countries; as they have found out, Agile methods improve their ability to respond quickly to market and customer needs, cut down on inefficiency, and result in more productive and happier employees. The benefits of Agile are indeed more relevant for us now that we are one of the world’s top software outsourcing destinations. Scrum, an Agile methodology that deals with how projects are organized and planned, is a topic of interest in particular.
To enlighten the country’s IT professionals in the theoretical and practical use of Scrum, CodeLean, Inc. and are bringing in Dutch Agile expert Bas Vodde to head a two-day course on Scrum on April 14 to 15, 2009. Attendees who complete the course will receive an official certificate labeling them as Certified ScrumMasters (CSMs), and will be listed on the CSM registry of the Scrum Alliance, an organization of internationally recognized Scrum experts. The course will be conducted in the Boardroom of the Dusit Hotel in Makati City.
The Certified Scrum Master course covers the what, how, and whys of the Scrum framework for product development—from theory to practice. Structured around stories and discussions, the course is for anyone who wants a deep understanding of Scrum: team members, Product Owners, Scrum Masters and other stakeholders. The first part covers the concepts of Scrum: background, overview, roles, empirical process control, and the key differences between Scrum and other ways of developing new products. The second part covers the practical side: making a backlog, planning, estimating, scaling, initiating a daily Scrum, and more. At the end of the course, participants will have concrete knowledge on how to implement Scrum and an understanding of why it is done that way.
Bas Vodde, the author of the "Scaling Agile and Lean Development: Thinking and Organizational Tools for Large-Scale Scrum" and "Practices for Large-Scale Agile and Lean Development" together with Craig Larman, currently works for Odd-e, a small Singapore-based consulting company that trains Asian professionals in Agile and Lean development.
For inquiries and reservations, email
[email protected] or call 8920419.
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