dropdownlist for country,state and city

php , javascript , html India
  • 11 years ago

    i need open source for dropdownlist for country,state and city as same as in below link


  • 11 years ago

    yes..u can do it..For that u need to call selectedIndex Event of Particular DropDown:

    suppose if i select India....then dropdownlist SelectedIndex Event Fires.. and in that u can hit query and find how many States are there in India... and when user select State..then fire Selected Index event of state and get data of City...and do same

  • 11 years ago

    hello viral and simons......

    i am not satisfied with viral comment

    i also needed it.. is it having some solution with web services and etccc. except this data base and event handling with selectedindex Event..

    if any one who is having this solution please help me

    Thanks in advance...


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