debug sql with parameters

database , sqlserver , csharp Würzburg, Germany
  • 11 years ago


    i use VS2008 and SQLServer 2005.

    How can i debug a sql-statement, that includes parameters like this ?

    string sqlstatement = "INSERT INTO artikel (nr,text1,text2)" + "VALUES" + "( @parm1, " + " @parm2, " + " @parm3 " + " " + " )"; SqlCommand sqlins = new SqlCommand(sqlstatement, con); sqlins.Parameters.Add("@parm1", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = var1; sqlins.Parameters.Add("@parm2", SqlDbType.Int).Value = var2; sqlins.Parameters.Add("@parm3", SqlDbType.Int).Value = var3; sqlins.ExecuteNonQuery();

    so, how can i see the statement, that was sent to the sql-server ?

    Gruß jogi

  • 11 years ago

    I'd recommend creating a trace using SQL Profiler.

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