Recently, I have a requirement to develop a application wherein the input excel sheet data which has an average of 5000 records should be checked for Internal duplicates (duplicates within the same sheet) and external duplicates (duplicates which exist outside this sheet). I have gone through lot of logics..some of which are ...
Common and currently testing out..
- First insert the excel sheet data into DB..then query by following
select distinct id,mobilenumber from scrubmaster where calltablename= !--removed tag-->
Then loop for duplicates...
For jj As Integer = 0 To ds3.Tables("dup").Rows.Count - 1
stor1 = "SELECT count(mobilenumber), calltablename from scrubmaster WHERE mobilenumber =<mobilenumber> and flag is NULL GROUP BY calltablename"
da3 = New OleDbDataAdapter(stor1, con3)
da3.Fill(dse3, "dupp")
** internal duplicates logic ***
If dse3.Tables("dupp").Rows(0).Item(0) > 1 Then
dupcountid += 1
stor2 = "update scrubmaster set flag='ID' where ID=" & ds3.Tables("dup").Rows(jj).Item(0) & " and flag IS NULL"
comm.Connection = con3
comm.CommandText = stor2
stor2 = ""
End If
** External duplicates logic ***
If dse3.Tables("dupp").Rows.Count > 1 Then
dupcounted += 1
stor2 = "update scrubmaster set flag='ED' where ID=" & ds3.Tables("dup").Rows(jj).Item(0) & " and flag IS NULL"
comm.Connection = con3
comm.CommandText = stor2
stor2 = ""
End If
stor1 = ""
Any good logic pls or correct my logic?
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