Contract: ActionScript/FlashBuilder Developer

flash , javascript , python , ActionScript , css , HTML , json , Postgres , Django San Diego, United States
  • 11 years ago

    Digital music start-up company is looking for a flash developer. Only Southern California candidates will be considered. We’re looking for an individual with the following skills:

    Required skills - Significant Flash builder/ActionScript experience (this is a MUST) - Knowledge of CSS, HTML, Javascript - Principles of stateless programming - Must love music!

    Preferred skills: - Experience streaming audio to a browser - JSON - Experience with Python, Postgres and Django

    This will begin as a contract assignment, with the potential for full-time employment. Upon hire, we’ll need this person to commit to up to 50 hours in the first week. Candidate must be available for conference calls with our developers in other parts of the country, which may take place as early as 5am PST or as late as 10pm PST.

  • 11 years ago

    Digital music start-up company is looking for a flash developer. Only Southern California candidates will be considered. We’re looking for an individual with the following skills:

    Required skills - Significant Flash builder/ActionScript experience (this is a MUST) - Knowledge of CSS, HTML, Javascript - Principles of stateless programming - Must love music!

    Preferred skills: - Experience streaming audio to a browser - JSON - Experience with Python, Postgres and Django

    This will begin as a contract assignment, with the potential for full-time employment. Upon hire, we’ll need this person to commit to up to 50 hours in the first week. Candidate must be available for conference calls with our developers in other parts of the country, which may take place as early as 5am PST or as late as 10pm PST.

  • 11 years ago

    Send resumes and work samples to [email protected].

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they're not.”