Hi All,
How to declare a variable that never change from pageload until i close the page.
Simple Case :
* ShowInfo.PageLoad() begins to execute for UserA.
* ShowInfo.Page_Load() begins to execute for UserB
* UserA has variable Dummy = 100.
* UserB has variable Dummy = 20.
* UserA starts to do something in the page but there is no code that will reset the Dummy Variable.
* UserB starts to do something in the page but there is no code that will reset the Dummy Variable.
But the Result: Since UserB's was the last one assigned to (which remember... there is only one version of this in all of memory), the Dummy Variable is assigned for both users but different session.
UserB sees Dummy = 20 but UserA sees Dummy = 20 too.
I Want that the result is UserA Dummy = 100 & UserB Dummy = 20
anyone can help me, (in vb.net please)
Thanks In Advance
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