How to change a position of a "line" control in a form based on combo box selection? Please help!!!

forms , vba , ms access , modules New York, United States
  • 11 years ago


    I have a form with combo box and a "line" control. Combo box has 5 selections such as 1,2,3,4,5. When user selects one of 5 selections, Line control should change it's position. For example, if user selects 1, line control should move to 1" lower or if user selects 3, line control should move to 3" lower and so on. I've been trying to do this for last few days but can't make it to work. Can anyone please help me? Thank you so much!! Really appreciate it.


  • 11 years ago


    I have a form with combo box and a "line" control. Combo box has 5 selections such as 1,2,3,4,5. When user selects one of 5 selections, Line control should change it's position. For example, if user selects 1, line control should move to 1" lower or if user selects 3, line control should move to 3" lower and so on. I've been trying to do this for last few days but can't make it to work. Can anyone please help me? Thank you so much!! Really appreciate it.


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