DataGridViewComboBoxColumn not showing values

ComboBoxColumn , DataGridView , Csharp Philadelphia, United States
  • 11 years ago

    Hi All, I did raise this question yesterday also, but its not showing up in the message board, thus pasting it again.

    I have a DataGridView where in I am trying to add DataGridViewComboBoxColumn. Though the column is getting added but the combobox is empty.

    DataGridViewComboBoxCell cell = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); cell.Items.Add("One"); cell.Items.Add("Two"); cell.Items.Add("Three"); DataGridViewComboBoxColumn column = new DataGridViewComboBoxColumn(); column.HeaderText = "SELECT"; column.Name = "ItemSelect"; column.CellTemplate = cell; column.DropDownWidth = 160; column.Width = 90; column.MaxDropDownItems = 3; column.FlatStyle = FlatStyle.Flat; column.ReadOnly = true; //column.Items.AddRange("One", "Two", "Three"); -- I tried this way too myDataGridView.Columns.Insert(0, column);

    After displaying the values which event I should handle to get the selected value in combobox?

    Thanks in Advance

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