How to write the category attribut in a class dynamically , category , attribute , class , name , value , property , propertybox Zurich, Switzerland
  • 11 years ago


    It is difficult for me to explain because my native language is German and I do not know all technical words for my problem.

    I need a class that I will include in a propertyBox. Should be simple. But each class has to stay in his own category title. Because I do not know the classes I will load in the future, I need to set this category name dynamically by code when loading the class and before putting it into the property box.

    Please help me with my problem because I did not found any solution to set this category name dynamically.

    Here I made a test project with some ideas. Perhaps anyone can send me a working solution?

    Link Text It is written in VB.Net (VS2008)

    In another forum I already tried to solve this problem. Without acceptable result (only could create the category name by creating a very new class but not write it into an existing class.

    Kind regards

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