Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1 records

bd access 2003 , vs 2005 , csharp Havanna, Cuba
  • 11 years ago

    hello, please help me, i have an aplication that to try updaten the first data

    tell me:Syntax error in UPDATE statement, and when i try change any other data

    tell me: Concurrency violation: the UpdateCommand affected 0 of the expected 1

    records this is the code

    public void ModificarHuespedV(int noorden, int nno_orden, string nombre, string

    apellidos, double ci, int nohabitacion, string fechaentrada, string fechasalida, int cantacompanantes, int dias_hospedado, int

    cuotapersona, int totalcobrar, int nocobrado, string fechacobrado) {

            int pos = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < tabla3.Tables["Vacacional"].Rows.Count; i++)
                if (tabla3.Tables["Vacacional"].Rows[i][0].ToString() ==

    noorden.ToString()) { pos = i; break; } } DataRow row = tabla3.Tables["Vacacional"].Rows[pos]; row.BeginEdit(); row["No"] = nnoorden; row["Nombre"] = nombre; row["Apellidos"] = apellidos; row["NoIdentidad"] = ci; row["NoCuarto"] = nohabitacion; row["FechaEntrada"] = fechaentrada; row["FechaSalida"] = fechasalida; row["Acompanantes"] = cantacompanantes; row["DiasHospedado"] = diashospedado; row["CuotaPersona"] = cuotapersona; row["TotalCobro"] = totalcobrar; row["NoRecibo"] = nocobrado; row["FechaRecibo"] = fechacobrado; row.EndEdit(); OleDbCommandBuilder validar = new OleDbCommandBuilder(canal3); if (tabla3.HasChanges()) { canal3.Update(tabla3, "Vacacional"); tabla3.AcceptChanges(); }


    pd:canal3=oledbdataadapter tabla3=dataset

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