Automate AdWords campaigns in C#/VB.NET

VB.NET .NET , AdWords , Csharp Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • 11 years ago


    I am using AdWords for advertising my products. But in a last couple of months number of products have doubled so I don't have enough time to optimize AdWords campaigns for all of them. Some campaigns have thousands of keywords so I am looking a way to automate my AdWords campaigns.

    I know about AdWords API and client libraries. I have been investigating them for some time and they are not so easy to use. I want to focus more on optimizing my AdWords campaigns, and not on communication with AdWords server.

    Does anyone know about some C#/VB.NET library that would allow me to download my AdWords data, investigate it, modify it and then upload modifications back on AdWords server?

    Thank you, Pero

  • 11 years ago

    Hi, Pero

    You could check out GemBox.Ppc - AdWords API .NET library.

    AdWords C# and VB.NET examples are provided to help you start faster with custom AdWords programming.

    Also, you can use AdWords API sandbox editor/viewer to view your sandbox data and test your app.

    Hope this helps!


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