Looking for a freelance VB.Net developer for a (small) project

VB.net , web , relational database , graphical Brussels, Belgium
  • 11 years ago


    I'm looking for a freelance VB.Net developer in Flanders (preferably around Leuven) or in the south-west of the Netherlands (preferably Amsterdam area) to help me on a project.

    In short: part of an existing application needs to be converted into a standalone dll that can be used in a web-environment. Advice and hands-on work is needed on part of the technical design (a/o usage tracing) and actual development.

    While this job is expected to be relatively small, it may result in various spin-off projects to implement the finished component in interactive clients' sites.

    Let me know if you're interested, or know somebody who would.



  • 11 years ago

    I am quite available, and I love this kind of work.

    I live in Brussels, and can travel.

    I understand Dutch quite well.

    Regards Olav

  • 11 years ago

    My email: businessmagicwebs_gmail.com (But @ in the obvious place) Olav

  • 11 years ago

    Dear Ser,

    i have 4.6 + .net Exp.

    Please Want To Any Kind Help i Alwage reagy for that

    my email id Vb[email protected]

  • 11 years ago

    Dear Ser,

    i have 4.6 + .net Exp.

    Please Want To Any Kind Help i Alwage reagy for that

    my email id Vb[email protected]

  • 9 years ago

    Guys, there are also other ways to look for a freelancer or to look for jobs aside from posting in these kinds of forums. Outsourcing sites like odesk, elance and freelancer are just few of the many sites where you can look for freelancers or jobs. You can read their reviews here so you guys can get ideas of they work.

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