Training & Events in Helsinki, Finland
Lean Startup Tampere Meetup - , Finland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Tampere
First Lean Startup Tampere meetup. Let's get together and discuss lean startup related items and future activities.Agenda discussion can be found from
Web Development@Spotify - Tech Talk - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Sthlm Spotify Tech Group
Join us at our brand new Stockholm HQ office at Birger Jarlsgatan 61 for this first web dev tech meetup of fall 2012!We would like to invite you to an exciting evening packed with speakers and interesting talks from web developers from all over the Stockholm area.
Lean Startup Tampere Meetup - , Finland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Tampere
Lean Startup Tampere meetup. Let's get together and discuss lean startup related items and future activities. Real-life business cases, challenges and solutions.
An Akka kata - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
The Akka team member Henrik Engström will prepare a little project template and requirements for us to implement. We get the chance to fill in some details and get our own ActorSystem up and running.Bring your laptop, we'll send instructions how to prepare it.We meet at Aftonbladet's office from 17:00 hours, have some food and kick off the programming at 17:30.This meetup will be limited to very few attendees.
Lean Startup Tampere Meetup - , Finland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Tampere
First Lean Startup Tampere meetup. Let's get together and discuss lean startup related items and future activities.Agenda discussion can be found from
Intro to HTML5 Framework SproutCore - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by sthlm.js
Register: found out that the SproutCore meet ups are moving online to make them more accessible to everyone. The next meet up is scheduled for Tuesday, August 14th at 4pm PST. The scheduled panelists for this session are Dave Porter and are Tyler Keating who both contribute heavily to the code. Those of you who are interested in this HTML5-based framework should check it out.
Asynchronous MongoDB with Python and Tornado - Helsingfors, Finland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Finland MongoDB User Group
Join us for a free webinar on the new asynchronous framework for MongoDB and Python: Motor. A. Jesse Jiryu Davis will review the state of the art for asynchronous Python and MongoDB, discuss his experimental driver for MongoDB and Tornado, and demonstrate building a real-time web app.Sign up here
Lean Startup Tampere Meetup - , Finland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Tampere
First Lean Startup Tampere meetup. Let's get together and discuss lean startup related items and future activities.Agenda discussion can be found from
Lean Startup Tampere Meetup - , Finland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Tampere
Lean Startup Tampere meetup. Let's get together and discuss lean startup related items and future activities.Agenda discussion can be found from
Learning by doing - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Getting into Scala by implementing a personal project.Our long time group member Peter Johansson presents his pet project. You may read more about it in his blog at spent the summer reading "Programming Scala", that can be read online at , I decided to turn my old time pet project into Scala, and also improve it.I planned to use as much as possible read the book, but not use features that did not fit the program.
Lean Startup Tampere Meetup - , Finland
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Lean Startup Tampere
First Lean Startup Tampere meetup. Let's get together and discuss lean startup related items and future activities.Agenda discussion can be found from
Hallo Berlin, Spotify is here! Spotify Tech Talk Berlin - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Sthlm Spotify Tech Group
Hallo Berlin, Spotify is here!Come and meet the engineers who are building Spotify - the cutting edge music streaming service that changes the way of listening to music!Are you interested in the technology behind Spotify? How do we get the music tracks to play so quickly? Meet engineers from the different Spotify teams: Backend, Platform, Mobile, Desktop, Web Dev &Test.After the presentations, ask the engineers all your questions whilst you enjoy a beer on us!
Spotify Hackathon: escape from /dev/null - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Sthlm Spotify Tech Group
'Escape from /dev/null' is a programmer competition that is going to blow your mind.Are you the best developer in Scandinavia? Do you have what it takes to win the Spotify Code Game Challenge 'escape from /dev/null'?Join us in a full day hackathon Saturday 14th of April at Debaser Medis.Limited number of seatsRead more and sign up
Python and Spotify, a love story - Backend Tech Talk - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 8 years ago
Organised by Sthlm Spotify Tech Group
Join us for the next Tech Meetup, this one with focus on Backend development!New location: Summit Grev Ture, Grev Turegatan 30Our speakers Jon Åslund, Tommie Gannert and Patrik Torstensson will tell us about the story behind the Spotify backend system. Why did we choose to build it in Python? What challenges are to be faced while designing such a large distributed system?Of course there will be snacks and beer, don't worry :)Agenda
Rather safe than sorry - a Test/QA Tech Talk at Spotify - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Sthlm Spotify Tech Group
Join us at Spotify HQ for a tech talk.Topic: Testing and Quality AssuranceFirst upp we have Olof Svedström who talks about the fast changes, complex functionality and high release tempo within the QA environment at Spotify.Second speaker is Kristian Karl who will discuss how test automation is being done at Spotify. This includes how Spotify is using Model Based- Testing and the open source tools we are using.An evening full of cool topics, hot pizza and cold beer.Welcome!
Why Play needs Scala and why Scala needs Play - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Peter Hilton will open the meeting with a short presentation on his view about Scala's role as language on the JVM which we will discuss with other Scala celebrities.Why Play needs Scala and why Scala needs PlayPlay 2.0 is a Scala rewrite of Play 1.2, which was implemented in Java. Although Scala makes various things easier to implement and reduces the need to use bytecode enhancement at runtime, it's the type-safe templates that will have the biggest impact for most users.
TechHub Riga Meetup - Riga, Latvia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Riga OpenCoffee Club
Most likely February will be first month ever without Meetup as we are having to big startup events at the same day already - TechCrunch Baltics and techHub opening party
One-liners are your friend: Increasing Productivity with Scala - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Thomas Alexandre vill gärna provköra och fördjupa sin Jfokus Quickie med oss.Insläpp från 17:30, mindre förtäring erbjuds, föredraget börjar ca 18.We believe the success of communication through SMSs, Tweets and Facebook Status messages lies in its conciseness (i.e. 140 characters). Similarly, short and expressive code not only reduces maintenance needs but also increases readibility and ultimately affect the productivity of a programmer.
Scalaträff med katakodning (upplägg 1) - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Hej Scala-Stockholm,Det är dags att koda tillsammans igen. Vi kör en serie mindre träffar (mindre än 20 personer) med samma kodningskata på varje.Den här träffen har upplägg 1 och regeln är att man vara får anmäla sig till en träff med upplägg 1. Jag ska försöka köra det så ofta tills alla har fått en rimlig chans att få en plats. Sätt upp er på väntlistan så ser jag om det finns mer intresserade.Denna gång är det Mejsla som tar emot oss och bjuder på lite förtäring.Hälsningar
Scalaträff med katakodning (upplägg 1) - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Hej Scala-Stockholm,Det är dags att koda tillsammans igen. Vi kör en serie mindre träffar (mindre än 20 personer) med samma kodningskata på varje.Den här träffen har upplägg 1 och regeln är att man vara får anmäla sig till en träff med upplägg 1. Jag ska försöka köra det så ofta tills alla har fått en rimlig chans att få en plats. Sätt upp er på väntlistan så ser jag om det finns fler intresserade.Denna gång är det DevCode som tar emot oss och bjuder på lite förtäring.
Scalaträff med Heiko Seeberger och Patrik Nordwall (Typesafe) - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Heiko Seeberger från Scala-företaget Typesafe är i stan för att hålla Scala-kurs. Vi passar på och lånar honom för en dragning på en Scalaträff.Heiko kommer att prata om utvecklingsverktygen kring Scala med fokus på SBT som nyligen kom med en mycket förändrad version.Efter Heiko kommer Patrik Nordwall (även han från Typesafe) berätta om Akka. Först ger han en översiktlig bild av Akka för att sedan belysa ett mer specifikt område.Jayway bjuder på mackor.Insläpp från 17:30.
Need an Energy Boost to Your Business? Attract Customers Using Google Adwords - Riga, Latvia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Riga OpenCoffee Club
Hello OCC member,We have great news for September. OpenCoffee Club Riga has invited the Google Team to Riga to tell us all their secrets about how to use Adwords to attract new customers. :)Meanwhile Arturs Bernovskis from the email marketing company Mailigen will tell his experience about how they used Google Adwords to expand their business in Latvia and other countries.One more important thing - after the event 5 min walking distance from the seminar venue (LIAA)
Riga OpenCoffee Meetup Monthly Meetup - Riga, Latvia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Riga OpenCoffee Club
Hello OCC member.In September on our guest list are:Robin Gurney from Estonia / Creative Strategy Director at Altex MarketingRobin Gurney, Founder and Creative Director at altex marketing oü, explains how Baltic CPC, CPA and Affiliate network Pay4Results was born, funded, where it is now and plans for the future in Latvia and beyond.
Proactum Open Meet Up May 17th 2011 - Helsinki, Finland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Proactum Open Meet Up
Update your calendars, the last Proactum Open Meet Up before summer is scheduled! The success of Proactum Open Meet Up events continue on Tue 17th of May, 2011 traditionally in Pub Angleterre (Fredrikinkatu 47, Helsinki) starting at 17:30. There are three events comming during the autumn.The key note speech will open up the future view of MeeGo. Do join us and come to listen to interesting thoughts.Proactum Open Meet Up is free of cost.
Garage48 Riga - Riga, Latvia
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Ruby on Rails Baltics
Hurry up, registration is already open - Here you can see intro video from Helsinki event - And here photos and
Träff för EPiServer-utvecklare | jQueryMobile | Azure | EPiImage | Visitorgroups - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by EPiServer-utvecklare i Stockholm
Välkommen till nionde träffen med EPiServer-utvecklare i Stockholm. Den här gången flyger vi in två talare från Oslo respektive Helsingborg.Program17:30 Registrering. Välkommen och mingel [Erik Lidälv, Sogeti]18:00 Extending EPiServer: EPiImage [Alexander Haneng, Making Waves, Norway]18:45 Introduction to jQuery Mobile [Mikael Söderström, Siemens]19:30 (break)19:50 Custom criteria for Visitor groups [Magnus Paulsson, Sogeti
Scalaträff med katakodning - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Tyvärr blev kursen som Iulian Dragos skulle hålla inställd och han kommer inte till Stockholm. Istället för ett föredrag föreslår jag en praktisk övning med en kod-kata istället.Hälsningar, Enno.Ta med valfri Scala miljö med ett tomt projekt. Det kan man lätt få upp med Git och SBT via:$ git clone ...$ cd Simple-Scala-Project/$ ./script/ update testI projektet finns förberett stöd för automatisk konfiguration av Eclipse, IntelliJ för att få upp projektet i det.
Proactum Open Meet Up 15.3.2011 - Helsinki, Finland
happened 9 years ago
Organised by Proactum Open Meet Up
Update your calendars again, because the next Proactum Open Meet Up is scheduled! The success of Proactum Open Meet Up events continues on Tue 15th of March, 2011 traditionally in Pub Angleterre (Fredrikinkatu 47, Helsinki) starting at 17:30.The speaker of this next event is Heikki Tuuri, Open Source Database guru. Do join us and come to listen to his interesting thoughts under the following theme: “Oracle MySQL and InnoDB - a View of Open Source Database Industry
Scalaträff med Martin Odersky - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 10 years ago
Organised by Scala Stockholm
Välkommen till en Scalaträff med skaparen själv!Martin Odersky - skaparen av Scala - är i stan för att hålla föredrag och kurs på Jfokus. Han är gärna med och träffar Scala Stockholm/Sverige för att svara på alla våra frågor om var Scala befinner sig och vart det är på väg.Träffen kommer att hållas i Omegapoints lokaler (Mäster Samuelsgatan 42, fjärde Hötorgsskrapan - de räknas från Hötorget).Drop in från 18, lättare förtäring kommer att finnas."Programmet" börjar ca. 18:30
Träff för EPiServer-utvecklare | EPiServer Template Foundation | SOLID | VS 2010 - Stockholm, Sweden
happened 10 years ago
Organised by EPiServer-utvecklare i Stockholm
Det är roligt att bjuda in till sjätte träffen i Stockholm för EPiServer-utvecklare. Den här gången blir det lite repris från EPiServer Partner Summit men också lite om test och SOLID.Nytt den här gången är en snabbdemonstration. Tanken är det ska väcka din nyfikenhet och du ska få en överblick och förstå hur du kommer igång.När presentationerna är klara sätter sig alla kvällens talare i varsitt hörn av lokalen och diskussionerna forsätter i smågrupper med lite mat och dryck.