Meet other Silicon Valley Apple iPhone iPad Developers, Entrepreneurs, IT Managers, iPhone iPad iPod Tuch Developers & fans, investors to discuss how to build and promote iPhone based business. This is an open meetup. You are welcome to participate, or present your iPhone app, ideas, or solutions.
We meet every month at Access Growth
Usually we have the follow agenda:
1 Food and networking
2 Speakers Presentations.
3 Lightning Demos
4 Announcements
We welcome to app demos, speakers, sponsors, blogs, news:
1 Please submit your lightning demo by adding comments to the specific meetup with your name, company name, app name, one sentence introduction, url. It is open in most of cases.
2 Please submit your speaker/presentation request by email.
3 Sponsors for gift, food, and drinks are always welcome.
4 Submit your request for blogging or news release.
Our twitter:
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Out blog:
Our FaceBook group:
We don't have any upcoming events for this user group. Do you know this group? If so, why not submit a future event? We also support iCal, EventBrite and Meetup feeds.
Fri, 26 Apr 2013, 01:00 - 04:00 in San Francisco, United States
iOS Month is hosted by SF's largest iOS community! And co-hosted with:SFEntrepreneurs: help SF developers to become successful entrepreneuer!Mobile Internet Forum: The latest innovation in MobileDemo: your your product at SF's largest iOS Developers & Entrepreneurs community! with latest technologies! Are you looking for mobile developer or co-founders? Join this event!Agenda:6PM Networking6:30 Introduction6:40 Speakers7:30 Demos
Fri, 19 Apr 2013, 01:00 - 04:00 in San Francisco, United States
Demo: your product at world's largest Mobile Entrepreneurs communityWelcome product for Android, iOS, WP, HTML5, Facebook, Chrome, and Cloud.: the App of Month voted by the members of our Entrepreneurs communityCo-founder mixer: Are you looking for mobile developer or co-founders? Join this event! (Registration not required)We are looking for sponsors for gift to the winners of App of Month!Food sponsor: Microsoft=== Agenda ===6PM Networking (First in first serve)
Thu, 4 Apr 2013, 01:00 - 04:00 in San Francisco, United States
HTML5 @ Mobile is hosted by Mobile HTML5 Meetup GroupDemo: your product at one of SF/SV's largest Developers & Entrepreneurs community! Are you looking for mobile developer or co-founders? Join this event!=== Agenda ===6PM Networking & Food6:30 Introduction6:40 SpeakersWelcome speakers and
Sat, 30 Mar 2013, 01:00 - 04:00 in San Francisco, United States
Demo: your product at world's largest Mobile Entrepreneurs communityWelcome product for Android, iOS, WP, HTML5, Facebook, Chrome, and Cloud.: the App of Month voted by the members of our Entrepreneurs communityCo-founder mixer: Are you looking for mobile developer or co-founders? Join this event! (Registration not required)We are looking for sponsors for gift to the winners of App of Month!Food sponsor: Microsoft=== Agenda ===6PM Networking (First in first serve)
Wed, 27 Mar 2013, 01:00 - 04:00 in San Francisco, United States
Special International Mobile Game event is co-hosted with:SFEntrepreneurs: help SF developers to become successful entrepreneuer!Mobile Internet Forum: The latest innovation in MobileDemo: your product at SF's largest iOS Developers & Entrepreneurs community! with latest technologies and like minds! Are you looking for mobile developer or co-founders? Join this event!Agenda:6PM Networking6:30 Introduction6:40 Speakers7:30 Demos
Sat, 16 Mar 2013, 16:00 - 19:00 in San Francisco, United States
Welcome product for Android, iOS, WP, HTML5, Facebook, Chrome, and Cloud. *Pitch: your Start-up to a panel of VCs / Angels (Prior registration is required) and demo your product at world's largest Mobile Entrepreneurs community, in the heart of Silicon Valley! *Job Fair Looking for mobile developers? Join this event! We are going to have space for companies who are hiring.Pitch Demo Day Sponsorship Space- Mar on Eventbrite
Fri, 23 Nov 2012, 02:00 - 05:00 in Santa Clara, United States
Agenda:6PM Networking & Food (Depends on Sponsor)6:30 Introduction6:40 Speakers7:30 DemosTo demo your iOS apps, put your name, and app link as comments in this meetup. First in first serve.To speak or sponsor, email the organizers, or fill in this
19-20 Oct 2012 in Santa Clara, United States
Now Featuring: Does your app have what it takes to make the appAttack 100? Apply today. Ends 9/15. The global competition for the latest and greatest mobile apps heldAbout appSpaceappSpace is a full two-day developer track at GMIC SV. appSpace was created to highlight the explosive growth in the mobile apps market, and is a special opportunity for key platform owners to enhance the connections and exchanges within the industry by communicating directly with an expected 3,000+ developers.
Thu, 4 Oct 2012, 00:30 - 03:30 in Santa Clara, United States
Entrepreneurs, Founders, Hackers and Investors! **Are you looking for co-founders, partners, core team members for your start-up / mobile / app start-up? Investing, we have brought together many teams and funding for start-ups. Join us for this once a month mixer in San Jose for Happy Hour Food and Drink specials at FAHRENHEIT Restaurant & Lounge *Together we make Start-up's fun with music, food and drink-specials, tea, and socializing!
Thu, 23 Aug 2012, 00:30 - 03:30 in Santa Clara, United States
This event is co-hosted with for co-founders, partner, core team members in your mobile / app startup? Join this special mixer at Roe restaurant, Lounge and Night Club in downtown SF. Lets make startup fun with music, tea, and social! will offer happy hour drink specials.If you have a startup position including co-founder, partner, core team member, go ahead post as comments at this meetup.Happy hour drink specials and order from the food menu too. welcome.
Sun, 5 Aug 2012, 18:00 - 21:00 in San Francisco, United States
Lets make startup fun with music, tea, and social!Looking for co-founders, core team members in south bay? Pls join this mixer in Sana ClaraEvent co-hosted withSilicon Valley EntrepreneursStartup Tea HouseFood: sponsored by SVInnovation CenterLead Tea House Advocator: Fashion Model MericaTea & Art Collection (You will see more at the event)Agenda:11AM: Tea, Wine, Music Dance, Social
Sun, 8 Jul 2012, 18:00 - 21:00 in San Francisco, United States
Lets make startup fun with music, tea, and social!Looking for co-founders, core team members in south bay? Pls join this mixer in Sana ClaraEvent co-hosted withSilicon Valley EntrepreneursStartup Tea HouseFood: sponsored by SVInnovation CenterBe a volunteer: a speaker:
Wed, 13 Jun 2012, 01:00 - 04:00 in San Francisco, United States
Entrepreneurs/Founders/Hackers,Looking for partner, co-foudners, core team members in your mobile / app startup? Join this special mixer at Duca, in downtown SF next to WWDC. Lets make startup fun with music, tea, and social!And meet with iOS developers / Entrepreneurs world wide!If you have an international startup position including co-founder, partner, core team member, go ahead post as comments at this meetup.
Sat, 2 Jun 2012, 18:00 - 21:00 in San Francisco, United States
Demo your Startup & your product at world's largest F2F mobile entrepreneurs community!Job Fair Looking for mobile developer or co-founders? Join this event! We are going to have booths for companies who are hiring. Free display area for co-founder jobs.==== Mobile Demo Day ===The Mobile Demo day is the launch pad for new product, new app, new startup to be launched in Silicon Valley's most viable community.The Demo Day is in collaboration with (SVAndroid) Tea House
Sun, 29 Apr 2012, 18:00 - 20:00 in Santa Clara, United States
Lets make startup fun with music, tea, and social! Looking for co-founders, core team members? Pls join this mixer in Sana ClaraAgenda:11:AM Networking: Tea & Social11:30AM Startup Demo / Pitch (Free, first in first serve)Note: this is a not the right place for service providers, who are welcome to our monthly business event.Sponsors welcomeBe a volunteer: a speaker:
Sun, 1 Apr 2012, 18:00 - 20:00 in San Francisco, United States
Looking for co-founders, core team members? Pls join this mixer sponsored by SV Innovation Center.More sponsors welcome!Event co-hosted with Startup Tea HouseFree tea tasting, music, party.Agenda:11AM: Tea, Wine, SocialNoon: LunchMany types of tea will be served, including Kongfu Tea, British Tea, India Tea.More details coming soon
Fri, 9 Mar 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 in Santa Clara, United States
Agenda6:00 - 6:30pm Registration6:30 - 6:45pm Opening & Introduction6:50 - 7:50pm Brief PresentationsThomas Luo - Typical misunderstandings between startup entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and ChinaBin She - Differences between successful web/social games from East and West, and how to make a successful social game in China marketSi Shen - Mobile Gaming Trends in US and China7:50 - 8:20pm Panel Discussion
Tue, 28 Feb 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 in Santa Clara, United States
This is an join event with to transition from a developer to an Entrepreneur?Agenda:5:30PM Registration, and Networking6PM Introduction6:10 SpeakersAnkit is the CEO of MicelloRaj Singh, CEO at Fifo LabsEugene Zhang, InnospringModerator: Mark F. Radcliffe, Partner, DLA PiperAnkit is the CEO of Micello, Inc. which he founded in 2007. Micello is building the worlds largest collection of indoor maps.
Sat, 28 Jan 2012, 02:00 - 04:00 in Santa Clara, United States
This is a special event jointly hosted with SVEntrepreneurs to transition from an App Developer to an Entrepreneur? Are you ready?Agenda:6PM Registration, Networking6:30 Introduction6:55 Speakers7:40 Panel Discussion
Fri, 2 Dec 2011, 02:00 - 04:00 in Santa Clara, United States
Three ways to attend AppNation:1 Demo your apps (Email the organizer)2 Attending this closing party3 Register to the conferenceWe are offered 200 complimentary expo pass first in first serve· Discount code: SVEEXPO – Complimentary registration for Expo/Keynote passesYou can also register full conference· Discount code: SVENTREPRENEURS - discounted price at $299 full conference registrationOfficial registration link:
Sun, 23 Oct 2011, 16:00 - 18:00 in Santa Clara, United States
This is a partner event with Mobile China ForumMobile * China 2011 ConferenceMobile China | App Planet China | App Dev BootcampSunday, October 23, 2011Santa Clara Convention CenterBy Mobile China Forum & China continues to be by far the largest mobile market in the world with over 900 million active subscribers on its three carriers, over 350 million mobile Internet users, and over 250 million new handsets sold each year.
Wed, 28 Sep 2011, 00:30 - 02:30 in Santa Clara, United States
This is a special joint event with SVEntrepreneursAgenda:6:01PM IntroductionHost: Miriam Kojnok, Lt. Governor Education and Training, Toastmasters International6:10PM Opening RemarkKiran Prasad, Director of Engineering Mobile, Linkedin6:22PM Pitch Sampler6:30 SpeakersModerator: Vivien Wang, Partner, DeloitteBarrett Parkma,Vice President, International Marketing and Growth, Great Wall ClubFounder & CEO of Betable
Tue, 7 Jun 2011, 02:00 - 04:00 in Santa Clara, United States
This is a special mixer event.Agenda:6PM Network7PM Speakers8:15PM Raffle
Wed, 25 May 2011, 00:30 - 02:30 in Santa Clara, United States
This is our monthly main event!Agenda:5:30PM: food and networking6:00PM introduction6:10PM Speakers/presentations.Interested in speaking, demoing at, or sponsoring the Silicon Valley iOS Business Meetup? Please contact us.
Wed, 27 Apr 2011, 00:30 - 02:30 in Santa Clara, United States
This is our monthly main event!Agenda:5:30PM: food and networking6:00PM introduction6:10PM Speakers/presentations.Interested in speaking, demoing at, or sponsoring the Silicon Valley iOS Business Meetup? Please contact us.