Entrepreneurs/Co-founders Mixer SV

Silicon Valley iPhone iPad Business Meetup
Sun, 5 Aug 2012, 18:00 - 21:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Lets make startup fun with music, tea, and social!

Looking for co-founders, core team members in south bay? Pls join this mixer in Sana Clara


Event co-hosted with

Silicon Valley Entrepreneurs

Startup Tea House

Food: sponsored by SVInnovation Center


Lead Tea House Advocator: Fashion Model Merica










Tea & Art Collection (You will see more at the event)



























11AM: Tea, Wine, Music Dance, Social

11:45PM: Lightning Talk by entrepreneurs who are looking for co-founders & Partners

12:15PM: Lunch


Be a volunteer: http://goo.gl/BvleX

Be a speaker: goo.gl/8D29i

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