How can access to COM+ Proxy(s) from ASPX pages United States
  • 17 years ago

    How can access to COM+ Proxy(s) from ASPX pages


    When I wanted to call COM+ Proxy methods from ASPX pages it returns error but in VB.Net Application it is running

    correctly. what is the problem?

    Source 1 (ASPX page):


    Dim objProxy as New TestComPlus.Class1Class()
    Dim str as Object
    str = "test"

    'End of Program

    in the run time when it reach to objProxy.TestMethod(str) it is returning the following error:

    QueryInterface for Interface TestComPlus.Class1 failed.
    Exception Details: System.InvalidCastException: QueryInterface for Interface TestComPlus.
    Class1 failed.

    when I wrote the above code in the following format it will show different error message in the same method calling.

    Source 2 (ASPX page):


    Dim objProxy as Object
    objProxy = GetObject("", "TestComPlus.Class1")
    Dim str as Object
    str = "test"

    'End of Program

    in the run time when it reach to objProxy.TestMethod(str) it is returning the following error:

    Server Error in "/WebApplication3"

    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    Exception Details: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    but it is running simply in an application form without error and it returns the correct answer.

    Source 3 :

    Dim objProxy as New TestComPlus.Class1Class()
    Dim str as Object
    str = "test"

    'End of Program

    it is a simple com+ (written in VB) with one method that I wrote the source code here:

    Public Function TestMethod(ByRef str)
       str = str + "*"
       TestMethod = True
    End Function

    it is all. if you have any idea please let me know. thank you.



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