Forms Authentication and Frames Belgium
  • 17 years ago


    I have a problem with forms authentication and frames.  I have a page with multiple frames "default.aspx" and a loginpage "login.aspx".  When my cookie expires the user is redirected to "login.aspx".  But the page only opens in a frame and not the whole window.  In the Microsoft Knowledge base I found a solution for this.

    When I put

    onload="if (parent.frames[1]) top.window.location=self.location"

    in the body tag of login.aspx, the loginpage loads in a whole window instead of in a frame.

    But when the login is filled in correctly, the page doesn't return to the page "default.aspx" but to the page that was loaded in the frame.  This page is being opened in a whole window.

    I use

    FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage(naam, False)

    What can I do to be redirected to "default.aspx" with all the pages loaded in the frames that were loaded before the timeout.



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