Application Launch? United Kingdom
  • 17 years ago

    Hello! Hope you can give me a hand with this one as its very puzzling!
    I'm developing an application on an ASP.NET IIS 5.1 Web Server, and on one of the pages is the following code:

    <% Interaction.Shell("""C:\WebServ.exe"" " & Request.UserHostAddress() & "&" & Request.RawUrl(), AppWinStyle.NormalFocus, False) %>

    In essence, the code attempts to run an executable on the local drive, passing the IP Address of the client and the URL of the page requested into the command string of that application. So far, so good.
    The command string is correct and is accepted by the program when run normally using cmd or from a desktop shortcut. But, when it's put on the .ASPX page, the code executes fine (I am sure of this since WebServ.exe is listed in the Task Manager under processes). However, no window is shown for the application. I have also tried it as only a simple dialog box: you hear the bling when it's supposed to pop up, but no actual box is displayed!
    I only have one theory as to why this may be and that is because the application is running under the authority of ASPNET, not SYSTEM or USER. Could this be the problem, or am I missing the blatently obvious?
    Any suggestions on how to remedy would be thankfully received!
    Cheers, Matt

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