Searching XML using a DataSet & DataView

Page 2 of 3
  1. Introduction
  2. Searching the document
  3. Conclusion

Searching the document

First, we need to read our XML document into something that .NET can use. This is very easy to do with the DataSet object's ReadXml method. By using a DataSet, we can treat our data like a database. Also, compared to using the .NET XML objects, the DataSet results in less code and complexity.

All we need to do is create a new DataSet and tell it to read our XML document into it:

DataSet dsProducts = new DataSet ();
dsProducts . ReadXml ( Server . MapPath ( "productlist.xml" ));

The ReadXml method is passed the file name of the XML file to read. This example assumes that the file is named productlist.xml and is located in the same directory as the page using it.

Now that we have our data in a DataSet, we need to be able to query it for an SKU and return the Price and Description for the corresponding product. To do this, we will use a DataView object:

DataView dvProducts = new DataView ( dsProducts . Tables [ "Products" ]);
dvProducts . Sort = "SKU" ;

The DataView is created by passing the constructor a DataTable, "Products", in our DataSet. After we create the DataView, we need to sort it. Since we are using the SKU as the lookup value, we need to sort on it. This is similar to an index or primary key in a database. If we don't sort the DataView, we will get a runtime error when we try to use it's Find method.

With our DataView sorted, use the Find method to return only the row(s) which match the SKU we give it. In this example, we want to return the Price and Description for a product with a SKU equal to 1:

int rowIndex = dvProducts . Find ( "1" );
string Price , Description ; if ( rowIndex == - 1 ) {
    // The SKU was not found in our data
    Response.Write("SKU not found");
    Response.Write("Price: "+Price+"<br>";     // Price: 100.00
    Response.Write("Description: "+Description);
    // Description: Widget #1

The Find method of a DataView returns and int which is the index of the row in the DataView containing the sort key value passed to it. If there is no match, it returns -1.

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About the author

Chris Scott

Chris Scott United States

Chris Scott is the founder of Host Orlando ( a Web hosting and development company in Orlando, FL specializing in Microsoft technologies. A self-taught programmer, Chris sta...

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