Top 10 Application Security Vulnerabilities in Web.config Files - Part Two

Cookieless Authentication Enabled

Just as in the "Cookieless Session State Enabled" vulnerability discussed in part one, enabling cookieless authentication in your Web-based applications can lead to session hijacking and problems with application security.

Vulnerable configuration:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms cookieless="UseUri">

Secure configuration:

<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms cookieless="UseCookies">

When a session or authentication token appears in the request URL rather than in a secure cookie, an attacker with a network monitoring tool can get around application security, easily take over that session, and effectively impersonate a legitimate user. However, session hijacking has far more serious consequences for application security after a user has been authenticated. For example, online shopping sites generally utilize Web-based applications that allow users to browse without having to provide an ID and password. But when users are ready to make a purchase, or when they want to view their order status, they have to login and be authenticated by the system. After logging in, sites provide access to more sensitive data, such as a user's order history, billing address, and credit card number. Attackers hijacking this user's session before authentication can't usually obtain much useful information. But if the attacker hijacks the session after authentication, all that sensitive information could be compromised.

The best way to prevent session hijacking with Web-based applications is to disable cookieless authentication and force the use of cookies for storing authentication tokens. This application security measure is added by changing the cookieless attribute of the forms element to the value UseCookies.

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About the author

Bryan Sullivan United States

Bryan Sullivan is a development manager at SPI Dynamics, a Web application security products company. Bryan manages the

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