Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)

Beginning Web Programming with HTML, XHTML, and CSS (Wrox Programmer to Programmer)
Jon Duckett
28 Apr 2008
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This beginning guide reviews HTML and also introduces you to using XHTML for the structure of a web page and cascading style sheets (CSS) for controlling how a document should appear on a web page. Youll learn how to take advantage of the latest features of browsers while making sure that your pages still work in older, but popular, browsers. By incorporating usability and accessibility, youll be able to write professional-looking and well-coded web pages that use the latest technologies.

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Customer Reviews

Timothy Walker said
Anyone serious about learning web design should consider this book. It is a superb textbook, offering six chapters of solid (X)HTML education followed by excellent introductions to style sheets, design theory, and scripting. Used in conjunction with the free code download (available from the publisher's web site), it does exactly what it says on the tin.

That said, I would not recommend this book for absolute beginners or dabblers in web design. Simply put, it IS a textbook... the black and white illustrations are simply not sufficient to get a grasp of color, layout, and the like - you must do the end of chapter exercises. Further, the sequential instruction presented in the book hampers its use as a reference; it can answer "what does this tag do?" but not "how do I do that?"

Bottom line: if you have a little HTML experience and have already read a thin "newbie book" on the topic, then you are the ideal student for this excellent self-study course.

I. A. Pardo said
This is an excellent book in order to learn actual web page design. It's really easy to follow by non-english speakers (like me, I'm spanish).

It has a lot of usefull information about HTML, CSS and general web design.

Highly recommended!!!

Alireza Bialayesh said
I as a programmer think that this book is a productive book, the guy go over all the materials you need to learn step by step and smoothly.

Vasilios Kapsis said
It's an excellent and informative book! It helped me very much to teach the item to a very "difficult audience"!

Robert said
Great introduction to front-end web programming using XHTML and CSS. It even gets into the nitty-gritty of SEO strategies, rating your site for child access, testing methods, and accessibility for the visually impaired. Also provides a good, although brief intro to JavaScript, database driven websites, and programming for mobile devices.

Yes there is a lot of repetition and a bit of wandering back and forth across subjects, and yes it can be annoying. But most books in this genre are guilty of that. This one is no better nor worse than the others. Nice reference and appendix. Recommended.

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