User Interfaces in VB .NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls

User Interfaces in VB .NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls
Matthew MacDonald
08 Jul 2002
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User Interfaces in VB. NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls goes beyond simple coverage of the Windows Forms and GDI+ namespaces by combining a careful treatment of the API with a detailed discussion of good user-interface design principles. After reading User Interfaces in VB. NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls, you'll know how to design state-of-the-art application interfaces, program graphics, and much more.

Editorial Reviews

User Interfaces in VB. NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls goes beyond simple coverage of the Windows Forms and GDI+ namespaces by combining a careful treatment of the API with a detailed discussion of good user-interface design principles. After reading User Interfaces in VB. NET: Windows Forms and Custom Controls, you'll know how to design state-of-the-art application interfaces, program graphics, and much more.

This book contains the following:

  • An overview of how to design elegant user interfaces the average user can understand
  • A comprehensive examination of the user interface controls and classes in .NET
  • Best practices and design tips for coding user interfaces and integrating help

Although this book isn't a reference, it does contain detailed discussions about every user interface element you'll use on a regular basis. But you won't just learn how to use .NET controlsyou'll learn how and why to extend them with your own custom controls. As a developer, you need to know more than how to add a control to a window. You also need to know how to create an entire user interface framework that's scalable, flexible, and reusable.

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