Programming the Mobile Web

Programming the Mobile Web
Maximiliano Firtman
15 Jul 2010
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Phones are getting smarter. Data plans are getting better. And more people are taking the Web with them -- opening up a huge market for apps that present localized information for the iPhone, Nokia, Blackberry, Android devices, and other smartphones. So how can web developers take advantage of the opportunity? With this book, you'll learn the intricacies and pitfalls involved in building HTML and CSS-based apps that can access GPS tools, calendars, and other mobile features.

Editorial Reviews

Phones are getting smarter. Data plans are getting better. And more people are taking the Web with them -- opening up a huge market for apps that present localized information for the iPhone, Nokia, Blackberry, Android devices, and other smartphones. So how can web developers take advantage of the opportunity? With this book, you'll learn the intricacies and pitfalls involved in building HTML and CSS-based apps that can access GPS tools, calendars, and other mobile features.

Programming the Mobile Web shows you how to build a standard core for an app that you can then extend to work with particular devices. You'll not only learn how to deal with platform variations, finicky browsers, CSS compatibility, Ajax design patterns for mobile, and other issues, but also how to create pleasant user experiences in a constrained environment. Before you know it, you'll be able to create mashups using Web 2.0 APIs in apps that target the App Store, the Android market, and many more.

  • Learn how to use your existing skills to move into mobile web development
  • Discover the new possibilities of mobile web development, and understand its limitations
  • Get detailed coverage of how JavaScript and Ajax are used in the mobile environment to create effective user interfaces
  • Learn about mobile technologies such as HTML5, SMS, and WAP
  • Understand variations of platforms such as Symbian, Windows Mobile, Blackberry, Palm OS, Java ME, and iPhone OS
  • Learn how widget building and progressive enhancement support platform-specific functionality

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“Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning.” - Rich Cook