The Orlando PHP Meetup Group Monthly Meetup

The Orlando PHP Meetup Group
7-8 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Orlando, US

The April meeting will feature a talk by Chris Chubb on RedBean ORM, the "Easiest ORM" to learn, use, enhance and integrate into your application. 

Some of the PHP apps we write are well engineered in advance, fully documented, written by dedicated teams of professional developers against firm deliverables. This talk is for the rest of us that live in the real world. Specifications are flexible, data changes are made daily and your ORM should be able to keep up. RedBean does just that.

RedBean is a lightweight Object-Relational-Model class that can work with any of a number of databases, it's own lightweight persistance engine or none at all. Need a new property on your object? Just set it. Redbean will create the right field of the right type in the database on the fly. Need to build relationships between parents and children? Redbean will manage indexes and keys. Don't want to accidentally change your database schema because of a programming error? Freeze the design and keep going. 

Come to the talk and see about how to rapidly write applications and deploy them into the real world without having to pre-build your database or DB interface logic. As an example, I'll show how I consume and persist a complete web service data feed without knowing anything ahead of time about the XML structure. 

New Location: Urban Rethink. See "Location" stuff for address.

Looking forward to another great meeting this month,

David @

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