Finding a Partner/Co-Founder: A Roundtable Chat for Entrepreneurs & Developers

GrowNashville: Startup Entrepreneurs, Hackers, & Web Experts
7-8 Sep 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Nashville, US

If a good startup is dependent on a good team, having the right partner(s) is critical. How does one find a reliable partner, and possible co-founder, with complimentary skills? Certainly not on Craigslist, right? Let's pull together a bunch of entrepreneurs and a bunch of developers, and talk through strategies for matching people's strengths and forming productive partnerships. This topic is a real hurdle for me. I'd welcome the opportunity to discuss it with similarly-minded folks. I'm new to this group, but if the topic is of interest to others, I'm happy to secure a location.

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