J. Betski's

Culture and Cuisine Meetup
20-21 Jul 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Raleigh, US

Cuisines of Germany and Poland; chef Todd Whitney does a remarkable job of showcasing the varied and nuanced flavors. Standout dishes include a roasted beet salad with toasted-pumpkinseed oil and horseradish Quark (a soft, fresh cheese popular in Germany and Austria) and seared scallops flavored with a goulash vinaigrette. Luckily the menu is not so haute that it forsakes staples like kielbasa and pierogies, the latter of which are often served in brown butter laced with crunchy bread crumbs.

If each person would contribute $5 or $10 once a year for the Culture-and-Cuisine Meetup, that would cover the $150 annual meetup fees and other expenses.

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