Designish: Behind, beneath, and between the comps

Atlanta Web Design Group
26-27 Jul 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Atlanta, US
10.0 USD

Designish: Behind, beneath, and between the comps

Great pixelcraft used to be the mark of a great designer. Now it?s barely cost of entry. Let?s investigate what the modern-day designer?s job really is and uncover some treasures more important than our Photoshop canvases.


About the Speaker:

DAN MALL is an award-winning designer from Philadelphia, an enthralled husband, and new dad. As the Founder & Design Director at SuperFriendly, Dan and his team defeat apathy and the forces of evil with heroic creative direction, design, & strategy. He?s also co-founder of Typedia and swfIR, and sings/plays keyboard for contemporary-Christian band Four24. Dan was formerly Design Director at Big Spaceship, Interactive Director at Happy Cog, and a technical editor for A List Apart. He writes about design and other issues on Twitter and on his industry-recognized site,



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