5:30 p.m. Angus Barn Porch or Turkey Lounge ...

Culture and Cuisine Meetup
22-23 Sep 2012 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Raleigh, US

The Angus Barn Turkey Lounge has complimentary hor d'ouevres: pickles, olives, peppers, and spreadable cheese with freshly baked crackers that are available for anyone who purchases a drink. You can also order other appetizers, salads, or a steak dinner, or not. It's up to you!

It will be crowded in the turkey lounge! Name tags to identify our group will be available so you can identify those in our group. Although there are tables and seats, standing is the best way to actually mingle and get to know each other. I hope you can be flexible so that we can move around, mingle, and socialize.

Although this meetup is set for 6:00 p.m., after 5:00, they get more crowded.

The Angus Barn was the first major elegant restaurant in Raleigh. In the 60s, men would wear suits or sport coats and women could feel quite comfortable in elegant long dresses. Things have changed, including us, but this is a wonderful place to revisit. Many special occasions have been spent at this wonderful restaurant. Let's make this another memorable one! love struck

Make sure you fully check out directions to the Angus Barn, before you go. It is a bit tricky to get off I540 or Glenwood Avenue / Highway 70. The ramp to the Angus Barn runs south along the side of Glenwood Avenue / Highway 70.

Going east on I540, exit to Glenwood Avenue and Highway 70.

Going west on I540, take the Aviation Parkway exit, go down the ramp to Glenwood, turn left under the bridge, and left again onto the ramp going back onto Glenwood. The Angus Barn is on the right.

Going northwest on Glenwood, take the Aviation Parkway exit ramp, turn left under the bridge, left again onto the ramp going back onto Glenwood. The Angus Barn is on the right.

Going southeast on Glenwood / Highway 70 past Brier Creek, take the ramp along the side of Glenwood toward Lumley Road (I think...I may have to change this later). The Angus Barn is on your right past the light.




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