Yearly December Potluck Pirate Gift Grab, Games, and Movies! December 15 (Saturday) Noon to about 10pm.
Costumes are appreciated but not required. Pirate, steampunk pirate, ice pirate, pirate of penzance, etc. The Pirate Gift Grab is not mandatory, if you wish to take part then bring a wrapped pirate, steampunk, mad scientist, sci fi, or fantasy themed gift worth $5 to $10.
Bring food (already cooked, please), and bring what you like to drink with enough to share. If your dish requires a spoon or other serving utensil, please bring one with you.
I'll have the Mad Scientist Drink Dispense.
As always, we do have crash space including a couple of sofas (one that pulls out into a bed), floor space, and backyard (brrr!) if you want to put a tent up. For those who do stay overnight, I cook a decent scrambled omelet.
The Dread Pirate Skippy